Friday, October 03, 2008


Léon was 3 on Monday which means he now qualifies for a free nursery place. Some councils still make kids
wait till the first day of the next school term which would have been January but here under East Renfrewshire's rules, he can start this week. That sounds good in theory but given all 3 year old places are 12-45pm - 3-45pm, they don't make life any easier for the working parent, especially if you already have a school pick up at 3pm and 4pm.
Anyway it is free and I am on maternity leave so we'll go with it.
This week he's painted, played with water, done some singing and played outside so he seems happy, though I think his new routine is a tiny bit tiring, so far. At snack time, which I sat in on yesterday, I was sure he was going to fall asleep into a plate of melon... but I guess he is just a little guy.

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