Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cynthia and Dave

When I had my first baby in 1997, I was a bit new to kids to say the least. I don't think I'd seen a baby since my brother was born in 1971. I joined the QMH breast feeding group to make some friends and met a small group of three - Cynthia, Siobhan and Karen who were to become my breast friends - lifelong dear friends I'd trust with my deepest heartaches and my greatest joys.

Recently I remembered with great fondness one specific occurrence... When the babies were all little - as in this picture - big enough to sit but not to run away, Cynthia (left in this photo), the American member of our group would occasionally read to them. A great favourite was Dr Seuss's Too Many Daves. I don't know if it was her accent or just the wonderful way she read it but she always had the babies in stitches reading it. I wish I'd had a smart phone back then, because if I had I would definitely have filmed it for posterity. I remember Marcel always used to chuckle at the way she said 'Moon Face'. Anyway, I decided tonight to see if I could achieve the same effect. I took out my Dave book and read it to Anna and Amaia sitting together on a chair. They looked at me completely blank! I don't know where I went wrong but I just don't seem to have Cynthia's charm!

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