Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I love this photo of Amaia. It really captures her personality... quite feminine, a little shy, but full of nonsense with a great sense of humour. She's such a delightful little person. She lights up all our lives with her love and hugs. Marcel and Charlotte are both completely charmed by her in a way that no one else on the planet seems to manage. Anna and Léon treat her as an equal now, unaware she is just little - and she can hold her own in most games already - clever girl!

Tomorrow she has her settling-in visit at Hazeldene. I know she'll love it (just as her older siblings did before her) and she's in great hands, given it is one of very few nurseries in Scotland to achieve a full house of excellents in its HMI report but I can't imagine having no kids at home every morning, even if it does finally give me time to work more humane hours, rather than fitting everything I do into the evenings.

But she'll always be my baby, however big and independent she gets!

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