Sunday, July 22, 2007


I have been sneezing non-stop now for a week or two, or so I thought, until I checked back some old emails to pals and realized it was closer to 10 weeks. This cold hasn't got any better, and strangely no one else seems to have caught it from me, and this week it is definitely getting worse if anything. When I go outside my eyes instantly start to look like that one on the left. It is so bad I can't sleep most nights so am getting more and more exhausted. When I lie down for a nap because I am exhausted my nose instantly blocks, my eyes puff up and I can't I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I am suffering both bedbug allergies and hay fever for the first time ever in my life. Ironic that, given I can't take anti-histamines at the moment, no? Why is life such a bitch?

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