Poor Pudge is sick. It started as a cold and now it is a chest infection. I'd to drag all three kids to the hospital this morning to have him looked at and now have a bottle of baby antibiotics. He is so pitiful. He hasn't eaten since Wednesday so no longer has the energy to crawl about wrecking the place so he crawls one step then sits down and wails. And of course I had forgotten babies don't know how to blow their noses so he's just vomited 3 days of snotter all over my rug. A joy!
There isn't much for the other two to do either stuck in the house because Pudge is too sick for the park so I thought making krispie cakes and allowing them to eat them might avert World War 3 for an hour or two. Fingers crossed.

How do you make krispie cakes?
Dreadful unhealthy things - mix rice krispie cereal with golden syrup and melted milk chocolate and stick in the fridge to set. Visit the dentist the next day for dentures ;-)
Sounds like something kids would love... ;-)
I'm not sure anything as unhealthy exists in Denmark – you should try to introduce them there! I'm sure Bjørn's kids will love them! :-)
I notice your foreign friend's comments miss the most important point of your post ! It's obviously a language thing !!
He's not sure if anything as unhealthy exists in Denmark !
Not a word did he say on the absolutely disgusting ( or do I mean a gusting ? ) "SNOTTERY VOMIT."
Oh Yeuch, I was almost sick just typing that !!
Well, I couldn't see any point in asking how to make snottery vomit! ;-)
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